Our group is within CIBIO/ BIOPOLIS/ University of Porto. We carry out ecological studies of endangered steppe birds in Iberia, which is a hotspot for steppe bird diversity but vulnerable to environmental and climate change. Most of our research combines GPS tracking data from tagged birds with high-resolution environmental and climatic data from remote sensing, to provide an in-depth understanding into a wide range of ecological processes. Overall, we aim to give insight into the functioning of these unique and important ecosystems.
Our specific aims are to:
Gameiro, J., Marques, A.T., Venâncio, L., Valerio, F., Pacheco, C., Guedes, A., Pereira, J., Ribeiro, L., Moreira, F., Beja, P., Arroyo, B. & Silva, J.P. (2024). Evidence of a twofold ecological trap driven by agricultural change causing a priority farmland bird population crash. Conservation Science and Practice, e13168.
Crispim-Mendes, T., Valerio, F., Marques, A.T., Pita, R., Godinho, G. & Silva, J.P. (accepted) High-resolution species distribution modelling reveals spatial variability and long-term suitability loss in a declining grassland bird. Landscape Ecology, 39: 49
Srivastava, D.S., Bernardino, J., Marques, A.T., Proença-Ferreira, A., Filipe, A.F.F., Borda-de-Água, L. & Gameiro, J. (2024). Editorial bias: A re-analysis of Fox et al. 2023 makes the case for triple-blind review. Functional Ecology, 38: 278–283.
On the national news, a segment featured our work on how shifts in agricultural policy have contributed to the decline of the #Montagu's Harrier.
Abandono do cultivo de cereais em Portugal põe em risco águia-caçadeira
Transformação da paisagem agrícola portuguesa nas últimas três décadas, com aposta na criação de gado, encurrala...
Our latest work on the #Montagusharrier has just been published by @WilderMag !
#conservation #steppebirds
New paper Alert 🚨🚨: we explain what could be behind the dramatic #decline of #Montagusharriers in #Portugal. Nation-lvl changes in the farming landscape are pushing birds to nest in fodder crops, creating a two-fold ecological trap
This work is part of the "Searas com Biodiversidade" project and was developed through collaboration between @palombar_pt, @CIBIO_InBIO, @ANPOC1 and Clube de Produtores Continente
We're glad to announce the International #Conference on #Palearctic #Steppe #Birds, taking place in Ciudad Real (Spain) on March 2025! Check the conference webpage now!
Los días 3 y 4 de octubre #Portugal acogerá las segundas jornadas del Grupo de Investigación en Aves Esteparias (GIAE), donde los investigadores intercambiarán ideas sobre sus trabajos. Se pueden enviar resúmenes hasta el 6 de septiembre. Más información https://www.revistaquercus.es/noticia/8848/actividades/aves-esteparias:-portugal-acogera-las-segundas-jornadas-del-giae.html
Last Thursday, our group met in Évora to review on ongoing and upcoming projects and socialize over a great lunch! Stay tuned for new updates on our work in the #conservation of #steppelandbirds!!
At the international day for biological diversity, we were invited by Clube de Produtores Continente to talk about farmland birds and their importance to a wide audience of farmers and producers.
#BiodiversityDay #FarmlandBirds #Steppelandconservation
This week, we hit our 2024 goals for sandgrouse tagging! 13 #blackbellied and 18 #pintailedsandgrouses are now sending previous #trackingdata that will deepen our understanding of how these birds cope with #agricultureintensification and #solarfarms.
This week we had @carolinabravop from @IREC_CSIC_UCLM visiting the Steppe Birds Move at ISA. Carolina has been collaborating with us to unravel #littlebustard behaviors from #accelerometer data and video recordings. See you again very soon Carolina!