Our group is within CIBIO/ BIOPOLIS/ University of Porto. We carry out ecological studies of endangered steppe birds in Iberia, which is a hotspot for steppe bird diversity but vulnerable to environmental and climate change. Most of our research combines GPS tracking data from tagged birds with high-resolution environmental and climatic data from remote sensing, to provide an in-depth understanding into a wide range of ecological processes. Overall, we aim to give insight into the functioning of these unique and important ecosystems.
Our specific aims are to:
Marques, A.T., Pacheco, C., Mougeot, F. & Silva, J.P. (2024). GPS tracking reveals the timing of collisions of threatened grassland birds with power lines. Bird Conservation International, 34: e22, 1–5.
Gameiro, J., Marques, A.T., Venâncio, L., Valerio, F., Pacheco, C., Guedes, A., Pereira, J., Ribeiro, L., Moreira, F., Beja, P., Arroyo, B. & Silva, J.P. (2024). Evidence of a twofold ecological trap driven by agricultural change causing a priority farmland bird population crash. Conservation Science and Practice, e13168.
Crispim-Mendes, T., Valerio, F., Marques, A.T., Pita, R., Godinho, G. & Silva, J.P. (accepted) High-resolution species distribution modelling reveals spatial variability and long-term suitability loss in a declining grassland bird. Landscape Ecology, 39: 49
📢Workshop Proposal Call!!
🔧 Do you have innovative ideas to share about steppe bird conservation or research? We want YOU at #SteppeBirds2025!
Submit your workshop proposals by December 2nd!
➡️More information on http://steppebirds.com
🚨Great news for researchers! The abstract submission deadline for #SteppeBirds2025 has been extended to November 18th!
Now's your chance to share your work with a broader community working on steppe bird conservation!
More information in http://steppebirds.com
🎥 Introducing Julia Gomez, researcher at UAM and member of the Scientific and Organizing Comittees for #SteppeBirds2025!
Julia works on the impacts of energy infrastructures on steppe birds!
➡️Learn more about the conference on http://steppebirds.com
Conservation Focus: Palearctic steppes are under threat! 🌾 Join the #SteppeBirds2025 conference to discuss how we can protect these fragile ecosystems and the birds they sustain. Let’s act together! #ornithology #ConservationMatters
ℹ️ https://steppebirds.com/
📢 Calling all researchers!! Submit your work on Palearctic Steppe Birds for #SteppeBirds2025.
Share your findings with a broader audience!
Abstract deadline is November 1st 2024! 🌾
More information in ➡️ https://steppebirds.com/
#ornithology #wildlifeconservation #science
📢Calling all researchers!
Submit your work on Palearctic steppe birds for #SteppeBirds2025! Share your findings with a global audience!
Abstract deadline is November 1st, 2024! 📝
#ornithology #ScientificResearch #SteppeBirds #wildlifeconservation
Calling all bird lovers! 🌾Join us in Ciudad Real, Spain, for the International Conference on Palearctic Steppe Birds (March 25-29, 2025)!
🔭 Explore the latest research on steppe bird conservation and ecology.
#steppebirds2025 #ornithology
From November 22nd to 24th, Miranda do Douro will host the 17th Iberian Congress on Harriers (XVII Congresso Ibérico de Tartaranhões).
A fantastic opportunity to explore the latest research and conservation initiatives focused on Iberian harrier species!
XVII Congresso Ibérico de Tartaranhões (Congreso Ibérico de Aguiluchos) - Palombar
❗️Já pode submeter o seu resumo para uma apresentação oral no congresso. O prazo termina a 25 de outubro.